Topic: Perspective taking

Why the world needs an empathy revolution
5 minutes By: Greater Good Science Center, Jill Suttie

To understand your students, use “compassionate curiosity.”
15 minutes By: Education Week, Kyle Redford

To design better tech, understand context
8 minutes By: TEDx, Tania Douglas

Three strategies for helping students discuss controversial issues
10 minutes By: Greater Good Science Center

The science of helping out
8 minutes By: New York Times, Tara Parker-Pope

The power of perspective taking
8 minutes By: Gillian Ku and Kathy Brewis, London Business School

The power of inclusive education
11 minutes By: Ilene Schwartz, TEDx

The perspective taking educator
30 minutes By: Principled Innovation® (PI)

The little-known emotion that makes ethical leadership contagious
20 minutes By: Brett Beasley, Notre Dame Deloitte Center for Ethical Leadership

The importance of perspective-taking in leadership
8 minutes By: Daniel H. Pink, Life Science Leader

The benefits of diversity in innovation
1 minutes By: Fiona Murray, MIT Sloan Executive Education

Teams solve problems faster when they’re more cognitively diverse
20 minutes By: Alison Reynolds and David Lewis, Harvard Business Review

Taking multiple perspectives
3 minutes By: Cultivating Leadership

Tackling wicked problems through deliberative engagement
10 minutes By: Center for Public Deliberation at Colorado State University

Solving the achievement gap through equity, not equality
9 minutes By: Lindsey Ott, TEDx

Perspective taking: a brain hack that can help you make better decisions
12 minutes By: Wharton Neuroscience Initiative

Perspective taking for inclusion
30 minutes By: Principled Innovation® (PI)

Overcoming the empathy gap: overcoming a societal lack of empathy
14 minutes By: Fareeha Quayyum, TEDx

New spaces, new perspectives
15 minutes By: Principled Innovation® (PI)

Mesa Public Schools and Arizona State University Leadership Cohort
3 minutes By: Principled Innovation® (PI)

Managing difficult classroom discussions
180 minutes By: Indiana University

Listening for understanding
20 minutes By: Principled Innovation® (PI)

K-5 Card Deck Activity: Perspective taking
30 minutes By: Principled Innovation® (PI)

K-5 Card Deck Activity: Empathy
15 minutes By: Principled Innovation® (PI)

K-5 Card Deck Activity: Critical thinking
30 minutes By: Principled Innovation® (PI)

Inclusion inspired innovation: compassionate design for the enabled
19 minutes By: John Moalli, TEDx

How to teach divergent thinking
20 minutes By: UT Austin Faculty Innovation Center

How to break down communication barriers between teachers and families
20 minutes By: Amanda Morin,

How sharing our stories builds inclusion
10 minutes By: Harvard Business Review, Selena Rezvani and Stacey A. Gordon

How can you hate me when you don’t even know me?
10 minutes By: New York Times, Nicholas Kristof

Gaining perspective on an argument
10 minutes By: Greater Good Science Center

Five ways to get to know your middle and high school students better
10 minutes By: Edutopia

Ethics centre playlist, part 1: what’s a value or principle you live by?
1 minutes By: Ethics Centre

Developing a systems thinking capacity in learners of all ages
15 minutes By: Tracey Benson, Waters Center for Systems Thinking

Cultivating collaboration: don’t be so defensive!
16 minutes By: Jim Tamm, TEDx

Critical reflection in practice
4 minutes By: Australian Children's Education & Care Quality Authority

Collaborating to end homelessness
10 minutes By: Principled Innovation® (PI)

Civility: does it matter?
8 minutes By: National Conference of State Legislatures

An upward spiral between gratitude and humility
15 minutes By: Elliott Kruse et al.

5 barriers to critical thinking
10 minutes By: Chistopher Dwyer, Psychology Today