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Perspective taking: a brain hack that can help you make better decisions

A team of neuroscience researchers at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School describe the connection between perspective taking and innovation, explaining that perspective taking activates and develops the brain’s “mentalizing” and “exploration” networks, helping lead us to new ideas.


   12 minutes

   By: Wharton Neuroscience Initiative

   Educator-prep | Lifelong learners

Making connections:

Principled Innovation asks us to work with others and recognize the limits of our own knowledge so that we can better understand and tackle the complex issues our communities face.

More on this topic:

Cultivating collaboration: don’t be so defensive!


  16 minutes

  By: Jim Tamm, TEDx

No but, yes and


  15 minutes

  By: Principled Innovation® (PI)

Listening for understanding


  20 minutes

  By: Principled Innovation® (PI)

Solving the achievement gap through equity, not equality


  9 minutes

  By: Lindsey Ott, TEDx

Ethics centre playlist, part 1: what’s a value or principle you live by?


  1 minutes

  By: Ethics Centre

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