Topic: Collaboration

Why team reflexivity works

  20 minutes    By:  Michaéla Schippers

What makes a successful, innovative team?

  12 minutes    By:  Cyril Bouquet, Institute for Management Development

What is resilience?

  18 minutes    By:  American Psychological Association (APA)

Using data in schools

  45 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

The creative power of many

  20 minutes    By:  Linda A. Hill

The benefits of developing a reflective routine

  15 minutes    By:  Edutopia

Teaming up to drive scientific discovery

  17 minutes    By:  Brian Uzzi, TEDx

Teacher collaboration: spreading best practices school-wide

  3 minutes    By:  Edutopia

Resolve conflict at work

  20 minutes    By:  Greater Good Science Center

Green abstract painting

Prototyping ideas for change

  5 minutes    By:  REL West

Principled Innovation Field Guide

  10 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

President Obama’s philosophy on political compromise

  2 minutes    By:  President Barack Obama

One-minute workshops

  20 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

Moral elevation and courage

  20 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

Mesa Public Schools & Arizona State University Leadership Cohort

  3 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

Yellow abstract painting

Mapping systems

  60 minutes    By:  Harvard Graduate School of Education

K-5 Card Deck Activity: Performance character

  30 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

K-5 Card Deck Activity: Collaboration

  15 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

K-5 Card Deck Activity: Civic character

  30 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

Just thinking about cooperation can make you less prejudiced

  10 minutes    By:  Greater Good Science Center, Jill Suttie

Is civility a sham?

  13 minutes    By:  TED, Teresa Bejan

Integrating health care at school

  20 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

How to lead a conversation between people who disagree

  9 minutes    By:  Eve Pearlman, TED

How to build a culture of generosity at work

  10 minutes    By:  Greater Good Science Center, Wayne Baker

How to break down communication barriers between teachers and families

  20 minutes    By:  Amanda Morin,

How resilient communities can create a healthier country

  15 minutes    By:  Jerome Adams, TEDx

High-performing teams need psychological safety

  10 minutes    By:  Harvard Business Review, Laura Delizonna

Group work reflection questions

  5 minutes    By:  Gifted Guru

Got a wicked problem? First, tell me how you make toast?

  10 minutes    By:  TED, Tom Wujec

Blue abstract painting

Getting to know you

  30 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

Green abstract painting

Future headlines

  60 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

Four ways that social support makes you more resilient

  20 minutes    By:  Greater Good Science Center, Jill Suttie

Five surprising things you might not know about creativity

  30 minutes    By:  Amber Kane

Cultivating collaboration: don’t be so defensive!

  16 minutes    By:  Jim Tamm, TEDx

Creating a culture of collaborative family engagement

  15 minutes    By:  Getting Smart, Kristen Thorson

Convergent thinking versus divergent thinking

  2 minutes    By:  John Spencer

Collaboration characteristics

  10 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

Civility: a core component of professionalism?

  10 minutes    By:  American Psychological Association, Nadine J. Kaslow and Natalie N. Watson

Are we a team checklist

  30 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

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