Topic: Critical thinking

Why is academic integrity important?

  10 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

Why do our brains love fake news?

  5 minutes    By:  PBS

Why diversity and conflict are key to leading innovation. Diversity alone will not guarantee creative problem-solving.

  2 minutes    By:  Linda Hill

When problem-solving is a problem

  20 minutes    By:  Harvard Gazette

What’s a value or principle you live by?

  1 minutes    By:  Ethics Centre

What to trust in a post-truth world?

  18 minutes    By:  Alex Edmans, TEDx

What is critical thinking (and why should I care)?

  5 minutes    By:  SAGE Students, Thomas Chatfield

Yellow abstract painting

What is a critical reflection? Introducing the “what, so what, now what” model

  3 minutes    By:  University of Guelph

What are systems?

  2 minutes    By:  PBS

Green abstract painting

Visualize and build a prototype

  120 minutes    By:  The Learning Accelerator

Using data to support teacher and student growth

  5 minutes    By:  Edutopia

To navigate the dangers of the web, you need critical thinking—but you also need critical ignoring

  12 minutes    By:  Sam Wineburg, The Conversation

This is your brain on curiosity

  14 minutes    By:  Matthias Gruber, TEDx

The power of perspective taking

  8 minutes    By:  Gillian Ku and Kathy Brewis, London Business School

The importance of ethical decision making in the age of technology

  14 minutes    By:  Shohini Kundu, TEDx

Yellow abstract painting

Systems thinking: understanding the whole rather than just separate pieces

  3 minutes    By:  Synergos

Systems thinking: a cautionary tale

  3 minutes    By:  Sustainability Illustrated

Responding to crisis with character

  11 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

Redesigning education

  10 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

Peter Senge: introduction to systems thinking

  2 minutes    By:  MIT, Peter Senge

Nuclear flowers

  5 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

Red abstract painting

Navigating moral dilemmas

  60 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

Red abstract painting

Moral imagination

  120 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

Yellow abstract painting

Mapping systems

  60 minutes    By:  Harvard Graduate School of Education

Logical fallacies

  7 minutes    By:  Mometrix Academy

Learning means changing your mind

  10 minutes    By:  Education Week, Katherine Burd

Red abstract painting

K-5 Card Deck Activity: Humility

  20 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

Yellow abstract painting

K-5 Card Deck Activity: Curiosity

  20 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

K-5 Card Deck Activity: Critical thinking

  30 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

It’s time to get serious about teaching critical thinking

  15 minutes    By:  Inside Higher Ed, Jonathan Haber

Introduction to reflective practice

  3 minutes    By:  CIPD

How to have moral courage and moral imagination

  3 minutes    By:  The Ethics Centre

Getting to know your students in a million words or less

  2 minutes    By:  Edutopia

Five tips to improve your critical thinking

  15 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

Evaluating quality of online information

  20 minutes    By:  Julie Cairo

Ethics Centre playlist, part 3: moral intuition and ethical judgment

  4 minutes    By:  Ethics Centre

Ethics Centre playlist, part 2: ethical decision making

  4 minutes    By:  Ethics Centre

Divergent thinking

  35 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

Developing a systems thinking capacity in learners of all ages

  15 minutes    By:  Tracey Benson, Waters Center for Systems Thinking

Critical thinking for college, career, and citizenship

  12 minutes    By:  Brookings Institute, Diane F. Halpern


  40 minutes    By:  Psychology Today

Classroom deliberations

  45 minutes    By:  Principled Innovation® (PI)

Can you boost your creativity?

  3 minutes    By:  PBS

Book excerpt: how to close the critical thinking gap for all students

  12 minutes    By:  Colin Seale

An engine for inquiry

  180 minutes    By:  ASU New College

A framework for ethical decision-making

  15 minutes    By:  Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University

5 barriers to critical thinking

  10 minutes    By:  Chistopher Dwyer, Psychology Today

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