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This description of creativity by Psychology Today provides a summary of the neuroscience underlying contemporary thought about creativity. In doing so, it introduces the notion of divergent thinking and addresses practical concerns surrounding creativity, such as whether creativity can be taught.


   40 minutes

   By: Psychology Today

   Educator-prep | Lifelong learners

Making connections:

Principled Innovation asks us to work with others and recognize the limits of our own knowledge so that we can better understand and tackle the complex issues our communities face.

More on this topic:

The importance of curiosity and questions in 21st-century learning


  15 minutes

  By: Andrew P. Minigan, Education Week

Why diversity is hard (and why it’s worth it)


  2 minutes

  By: Columbia Business School, Katherine Phillips

Navigating moral dilemmas


  60 minutes

  By: Principled Innovation® (PI)

This is your brain on curiosity


  14 minutes

  By: Matthias Gruber, TEDx

Ethics Centre playlist, part 3: moral intuition and ethical judgment


  4 minutes

  By: Ethics Centre

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