Schools are one of the first “public” places that children experience, where they come into contact with people who are different from them and may hold differing values. This ASCD article by University of Washington emeritus professor Walter Parker describes several ways to work within classrooms and across schools to engage students in deliberation around the values that are important to them.
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The art of deliberation
Making connections:
Principled Innovation asks us to work with others and recognize the limits of our own knowledge so that we can better understand and tackle the complex issues our communities face.
New spaces, new perspectives
15 minutes
By: Principled Innovation® (PI)
K-5 Card Deck Activity: Empathy
15 minutes
By: Principled Innovation® (PI)
Tackling wicked problems through deliberative engagement
10 minutes
By: Center for Public Deliberation at Colorado State University
How can you hate me when you don’t even know me?
10 minutes
By: New York Times, Nicholas Kristof
Teams solve problems faster when they’re more cognitively diverse
20 minutes
By: Alison Reynolds and David Lewis, Harvard Business Review