Exploring our individual and collective values—what they are, what they mean to us and how they might guide our decision-making—can also help us to recognize the spectrum of values that individuals hold and why each of us believe and respond to situations as we do. Here is a simple activity to begin to identify those values that are important to you and to your community.
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Values sort
Making connections:
Principled Innovation asks us to work with others and recognize the limits of our own knowledge so that we can better understand and tackle the complex issues our communities face.
Why diversity and conflict are key to leading innovation. Diversity alone will not guarantee creative problem-solving.
2 minutes
By: Linda Hill
Gaining perspective on an argument
10 minutes
By: Greater Good Science Center
Listening for understanding
20 minutes
By: Principled Innovation® (PI)
A tale of two teachers
12 minutes
By: Melissa Crum, TEDx
Perspective taking: a brain hack that can help you make better decisions
12 minutes
By: Wharton Neuroscience Initiative