Humans tend to crave certainty and usually do not do well when there is a high degree of uncertainty in their lives. Practice P2 asks Principled Innovators to navigate through uncertainty by gathering information and thinking through the various possible outcomes, yet it can still be difficult to live with ambiguous circumstances. This article from the Greater Good Science Center provides useful advice on how we can better manage uncertainty in our personal and professional lives.
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Seven ways to cope with uncertainty
How humility will make you the greatest person ever
10 minutes
By: Greater Good Science Center
Making curiosity part of the curriculum
20 minutes
By: Principled Innovation® (PI)
President Obama’s philosophy on political compromise
2 minutes
By: President Barack Obama
How classroom political discussions—controversies, too—prepare students for needed civic participation
10 minutes
By: Holly Korbey, KQED
Is this the secret of smart leadership?
10 minutes
By: BBC, David Robson