When practicing truth-seeking, we look for multiple sources of data that can give us a rich picture of a challenge or situation. At a classroom level, the busy-ness of the profession can tempt us to forgo using the variety of assessment methods that would otherwise help paint a fuller—and truer—portrait of a student or classroom’s academic progress. Use this activity to have participants read an Education Week article and explore ideas from a number of education experts on how to create a richer portrait of student learning using multiple data sources.
Toolkit Library/
Using data in schools
45 minutes
By: Principled Innovation® (PI)
Educator-prep | K-12 educators
Making connections:
Principled Innovation asks us to work with others and recognize the limits of our own knowledge so that we can better understand and tackle the complex issues our communities face.
K-5 Card Deck Activity: Truth-seeking
30 minutes
By: Principled Innovation® (PI)
What to trust in a post-truth world?
18 minutes
By: Alex Edmans, TEDx
Just thinking about cooperation can make you less prejudiced
10 minutes
By: Greater Good Science Center, Jill Suttie
The creative power of many
20 minutes
By: Linda A. Hill
Four ways that social support makes you more resilient
20 minutes
By: Greater Good Science Center, Jill Suttie