In this video, a Canadian MP—once a Somalian refugee—describes the conflicting reality of discrimination persisting in a nation that is highly generous. The speaker argues that altruism must be seated in the moral asset of humility, willing to hear others’ perspectives (Practice C2) to build a society that better works for everyone.
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Two Canadas: my story of generosity and systemic racism.
Notice, think, feel, do
5 minutes
By: Principled Innovation® (PI)
K-5 Card Deck Activity: Altruism
15 minutes
By: Principled Innovation® (PI)
Is this the secret of smart leadership?
10 minutes
By: BBC, David Robson
How classroom political discussions—controversies, too—prepare students for needed civic participation
10 minutes
By: Holly Korbey, KQED
Honesty or humility
3 minutes
By: Scale Architect