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Principled Innovation depends on educators and leaders who will go beyond simply seeing a problem to rise to action. Psychologists have long studied the bystander effect—how people are less likely to help someone in need if there is a large group of witnesses also not helping. Courageously breaking away from the crowd to intervene can then have a positive ripple effect that rouses others to action. In this TED Talk, Stanford professor emeritus and psychologist Phil Zimbardo (of the controversial Stanford Prison experiment) describes the role of ripple effects that “everyday heroes” have in taking courageous actions.


   14 minutes

   By: Phil Zimbardo, TEDx

   Educator-prep | Lifelong learners

Making connections:

Principled Innovation asks us to work with others and recognize the limits of our own knowledge so that we can better understand and tackle the complex issues our communities face.

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Two Canadas: my story of generosity and systemic racism.


  13 minutes

  By: Ahmed Hussen, TEDx

Why creativity takes courage


  14 minutes

  By: Psychology Today, Zorana Ivcevic Pringle

On educating upstanders


  20 minutes

  By: Principled Innovation® (PI)

How to design deliberative democratic assemblies in an inclusive way: a recommendation for policy-makers


  15 minutes

  By: Democratic Audit, Marta Wojciechowska

What makes altruism altruistic?


  15 minutes

  By: Principled Innovation® (PI)

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