Empathy is a foundational asset that both supports and is supported by the moral and civic practices of Principled Innovation. Use this short film with a small group or a class to generate an inquiry-based introduction on the relationship between the PI character assets of empathy, perspective-taking, and altruism, and their role in the PK-12 classroom.
Toolkit Library/
Empathy short film (Thai, with subtitles)
Classroom contexts survey
15 minutes
By: Principled Innovation® (PI)
Sense of purpose—the most important strength?
12 minutes
By: Psychology Today, Sherry Hamby
How to build a culture of generosity at work
10 minutes
By: Greater Good Science Center, Wayne Baker
Responding to crisis with character
11 minutes
By: Principled Innovation® (PI)
Make giving feel good
5 minutes
By: Greater Good Science Center