Performance character
Practices | Navigate uncertainty and mitigate consequences

Guide the decision-making process through observation and reflective questioning that helps to imagine and effectively respond to the possible outcomes. Allow space for meaningful action to increase the chance for desired results and reduce the risk of harm to individuals, teams, communities, and learning environments.
1. Highlights
Principled Innovation inevitably involves uncertainty, as we try to find novel approaches to complex problems and engage a wide variety of voices in the process. Principled Innovation asks us both to embrace this uncertainty as an opportunity for creative thought and to reduce the chance that there will be negative consequences to our actions.
Embrace uncertainty and let it lead to new creative possibilities
Plan for a range of possible outcomes by drawing on many sources of data
Prototype ideas to incorporate feedback and reduce unintended consequences later on
While uncertainty may be uncomfortable, rather than pushing it away or trying to quickly resolve it, Principled Innovators look for the possibilities that can open up as a result. We can think of uncertainty as a state of healthy disequilibrium which invites new data and collaborative input and which triggers open-mindedness, perspective-taking and creativity. Viewed in this way, uncertainty can result in better-informed decisions and more robust, creative solutions that take into consideration a range of potential outcomes.
To maximize the possibility that innovation will happen as intended, we investigate past precedents and analyze data, combining it with the understanding of culture, context and systems that emerges from these Civic and Intellectual practices. Building on this foundation, we are better prepared to plan for a range of possibilities and outcomes. Drawing on the Performance assets of resilience, courage, inclusivity and collaboration, Principled Innovators incorporate stakeholders’ participatory, democratic engagement into the planning process, discussing the possible futures openly with those who may be impacted by the change and seeking feedback on iterative prototyping before any large-scale implementation. And, as plans are put into motion, Principled Innovators help manage undesired outcomes and improve the final product by monitoring implementations closely and working with community members to address problems as they arise.

2. Context

Leading in uncertain times by empowering others
10 minutes
By: Edutopia
Seven ways to cope with uncertainty
10 minutes
By: Greater Good Science Center
Prototyping ideas for change
5 minutes
By: REL West
Visualize and build a prototype
120 minutes
By: The Learning Accelerator
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PI toolkit library4. Connect the dots
How could this practice be enacted through the Performance assets?

Since creative processes chart new courses, ambiguity and risk-taking are inherently part of the process. Principled Innovation requires a willingness to balance that ambiguity with our best efforts to understand what the range of possible consequences might be and consider what we will do to make sure that stakeholders remain safe in the face of failed efforts.

Innovation necessarily involves moving into new territory where the path to success is often uncertain. Our initial efforts at change may involve multiple failures until we find a solution that works. Resilience not only helps us find our way through until we have the best plan possible, it also means having a realistic—and compassionate—perspective on our failures.

Inclusive collaboration broadens the base of experience and expertise upon which innovation is built. By coming together to critically reflect on our knowledge of culture, contexts, and social systems, we are better able to clarify the path forward and anticipate—and mitigate—the way our solutions might differentially impact various stakeholders.

Social innovations require taking courageous steps that may meet resistance. Yet humility can ease that process, as we become more comfortable with ambiguity and risk-taking when we can view our mistakes as the learning opportunities that drive Principled Innovation.