In this article published on the APA website, cognitive psychologist Karla Lassonde outlines a five-step process “Humility of Learning” cycle of becoming open to new knowledge by weaving together empathy, listening (PI Practice M1), and finding common ground—key assets and practices in principled innovation.
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The humility of learning
10 minutes
By: American Psychological Association (APA), Karla Lassonde
Leader-prep | Lifelong learners
Cultural humility
2 minutes
By: Psych Hub
Intellectual humility quiz
15 minutes
By: Shane Snow
An upward spiral between gratitude and humility
15 minutes
By: Elliott Kruse et al.
Five ways to get to know your middle and high school students better
10 minutes
By: Edutopia
Sense of purpose—the most important strength?
12 minutes
By: Psychology Today, Sherry Hamby