Courage is critical to identifying systemic problems and proposing solutions. The decision to speak up can be especially fraught with personal or professional danger because of the power structures that surround us. In this TED Talk, Columbia Business School professor Adam Galinsky describes the role of power in others’ response to our ideas and provides tips on expanding our range of influence to strengthen our courage to speak up.
Toolkit Library/
How to speak up for yourself
Why creativity takes courage
14 minutes
By: Psychology Today, Zorana Ivcevic Pringle
How to talk politics when you disagree
12 minutes
By: Ciaran O'Connor, TEDx
K-5 Card Deck Activity: Honesty
10 minutes
By: Principled Innovation® (PI)
Courage to innovate
1 minutes
By: Ritu Bajaj, TEDx
Empathy expert teaches how to understand others even when you politically disagree
15 minutes
By: ASU, Elizabeth Segal