Civility is about listening as much as it is about speaking. The perspectives that can sharpen our understanding of a problem often come from people who think we are wrong. Yet, if we shut down communication with those people, we might miss hearing the hard truths we need to hear. Use this activity to talk about “staying present” even when we’re tempted to shut down these tough conversations.
Toolkit Library/
Civil presence
An upward spiral between gratitude and humility
15 minutes
By: Elliott Kruse et al.
Should you be civil to a racist? Yes, but you should still call them out.
10 minutes
By: Robert Danisch, Wiliam Keith
7 things teachers say to create a supportive classroom
15 minutes
By: Edutopia, Stephen Merrill
I statements
10 minutes
By: Positive Psychology
On educating upstanders
20 minutes
By: Principled Innovation® (PI)