Principled Innovation in the Modern World

Mountain America Stadium 500 E Veterans Way, Tempe, AZ, United States

In an ever-evolving, complex and divided world, it is crucial that future generations are prepared with the capacity and dispositions to make moral and ethical decisions as they address mounting


Principled Innovation Open House

Tempe campus, Farmer 430 1050 S Forest Mall, Tempe, AZ, United States

Please join us for a Principled Innovation Open House! A time to make connections, share resources, ask questions, and learn more about other PI projects across the college and university.

Student Focused Lunch and Learn

Farmer Atrium 1050 S Forest Mall, Tempe, AZ, United States

What does Principled Innovation mean to MLFC students and how can we use it? Learn about ways PI is helpful to students and how you can utilize it for your

2024 Fall Convening: Practice Principled Innovation

ASU SkySong 1475 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, AZ, United States

As ASU’s newest design aspiration, Principled Innovation (PI) prompts us to place character and values at the center of our decisions and actions. Sharing experiences in community through storytelling helps

Understanding Principled Innovation and Empathy

Tempe campus, Payne 129 1000 S Forest Mall, Tempe, United States

Looking to build better connections with students, staff, or faculty? Empathy can give you more understanding and be the key to your success. How do we do this with Principled

Perspective with Principle

Tempe campus, Payne 129 1000 S Forest Mall, Tempe, United States

Staff and faculty are invited to Principled Innovation's Lunch and Learn, Perspective with Principle! What is life like in someone else's shoes? How often do we pause to consider experiences

Collaborative Principles

Tempe campus, Payne 129 1000 S Forest Mall, Tempe, United States

Staff and faculty are invited to Principled Innovation's Lunch and Learn, Collaborative Principles! What does it mean to truly work together? Are our efforts aligned with the goals and values

Reflection as Principle

Tempe campus, Payne 129 1000 S Forest Mall, Tempe, United States

Staff and faculty are invited to Principled Innovation's Lunch and Learn, Reflection as Principle! How do we make sense of our experiences? Do we take the time to pause and