
Gerald Fussell: changing the system from within

Dr. Gerald Fussell, principal of a middle school in British Columbia, Canada, has a conversation with Punya Mishra on the influences that brought him into teaching and public school administration, starting with the experiences he and his siblings went through as students. Fussell discusses the early career change he made to move into teaching, and then his shift into school leadership and administration. He emphasizes how his love of learning continues to drive him, and how his passion for supporting and advocating for students has led him to challenge the status quo and seek ways to change the system to better serve students.

Learn more about Gerald Fussell on Twitter @GFussell and his website, his blog, and the Lake Trail Community School website.

This podcast was produced at Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation at Arizona State University. Follow MLFC on Twitter at @asueducation and share this episode with #ValueLadenPodcast.

You can learn more about the Value Laden Podcast and related work by visiting the Learning Futures website: Learning Futures (though principled innovation) brings collaborative leaders, creative thinkers and innovative ideas together to design the futures of learning and advance equity and excellence in education systems.

Have comments, feedback, or ideas? Stay up to date with host Dr. Punya Mishra and follow on Twitter at @punyamishra.


Educator-prep | K-12 educators


Gerald Fussell